Film Journal: Miami Beach Takeaways: ShowEast showcases bright ideas and new products
ShowEast 2017 Wrap-up - cinema's annual southern get-together in Miami for industry execs.
Film Journal - Very Important Projects: VIP Cinema Seating sees rapid growth
“Recliner seating has been game-changing for the cinema industry and we feel there is a significant amount of runway ahead,” says VIP’s chie
On the Cutting Edge: Dolby’s Curt Behlmer earns Inter-Society honor
Curt Behlmer, senior VP, content solutions and industry relations, at Dolby Laboratories, will be honored with the Inter-Society’s Ken Mason
Dolby Gets Reel: Dubai-based circuit commits to Atmos and SLS speakers
A few weeks ahead of CinemaCon, Dolby Laboratories further expanded its Dolby Atmos presence, announcing a landmark agreement with Reel Cine
The Vista Project - Interview w/Broadcast Beat at SMPTE 2016 Centennial Celebration
Interviewed at #SMPTE2016 Centennial Celebration by Broadcast Beat regarding The Vista...