Film Journal - Very Important Projects: VIP Cinema Seating sees rapid growth
“Recliner seating has been game-changing for the cinema industry and we feel there is a significant amount of runway ahead,” says VIP’s chie

Upping Their Gain: Screen technology continues to evolve
Movie screen technology continues to evolve and improve...

Managing Well: Exhibitors discuss the growing importance of TMS in today’s digital cinema world
Film Journal feature focused on movie theatre TMS (Theatre Management Systems). Companies highlighted include: Arts Alliance Media (AAM)...

Best in Show: New products and technologies court exhibs at ShowEast EXPO
Latest Film Journal article highlighting some of the leading trade show exhibitors at ShowEast 2016 in Miami Beach, FL held at The...

Brooklyn Breakthrough: Alamo Drafthouse readies its New York City debut
November 2016 issue of Film Journal contains three of my featured articles, including this one heralding Alamo Drafthouse's long-awaited...

Platinum Record: Audio pioneer JBL celebrates 70th anniversary
My new Film Journal feature on JBLs 'Platinum Anniversary' http://www.filmjournal.com/features/platinum-record-audio-pioneer-jbl-celebrat...

To Text or Not to Text...Film Journal Feature on Smartphones in Cinemas
Latest issue of Film Journal includes my piece on mobile phone usage in movie theaters http://bit.ly/29ZIA5M #Texting #RobRinderman...